Thursday, 5 September 2013

Baby Bathroom!

I was recently blessed with a beautiful bundle of pure joy, a second little baby boy to join our family. He is simply divine. Similar to his brother, yet so different. A happy soul nonetheless. When discovering I was pregnant, we discussed going through the Public vs Private system.  We could go private (yay, 5 days in hospital and no toddler to chase) or we could go public and with the money that would otherwise go to the OB, we could renovate our 70's bathroom! #WINNING!

With my first baby, we went private. Didn't at all like the OB we choose (tip: read lots of forums and speak to lots of friends to make sure the decision on your ob is the right one... I was greatly disappointed) and thankfully we didn't need him.  Little man's birth was great (I did a Hypnobirth) and Mr English played a massive role in keeping me present during the long birthing journey. If this birth was anything like the last, all I needed was Mr English and we were good to go! So public we went and HELLO new bathroom!
So the beautiful bathroom above.  Oh man, where do I start?  Tiled vanity top which was tiled over chipboard or particle board.  Think stinky stinky stinky after 30 years of water splashing into the unwaterproofed grout that no amount of bleach could rid of. It was probably the worst part. What we really liked is incredibly high ceilings, but it was tainted a loovely yellow colour, tobacco yellow as Mr English would call it thanks to yellow glass windows. It didn't help that the walls were yellow too. But at least we had natural light in a room that is in the centre of the house. The shower was a step in/up 900 x 900 bath, so when you were in there, you could see over the screen and curtain.  Strange feeling actually. Our linen cupboard also takes up a corner of the bathroom too which makes a small bathroom even tinier.
When deciding what we were going to do with the space, we figured that if we do end up filling all the bedrooms with kids (the cottage is 4 bedrooms), we might have to go up and it would make sense that this space that the bathroom now occupied would be a great spot for the staircase. So on a number of fronts, we didn't want to spend money where we didn't need to should this bathroom be pulled out in a few years time but we were also limited with the space we had to play with. There was only so much we could do. We could squeeze a full sized bath, but would have to rejig the position of the door. We could shift around the layout, but that would mean laying a new concrete floor and altering the plumbing. Too much we decided. We wanted this bathroom done in time for the new baby!
So what did we do?

All new tiles, got a shiny new vanity with stone top, new loo, new 900 x 900 bath and shower screen and so many mirrors that this tiny bathroom would look huge and bounce around even more light. I knew what I wanted. I had been collecting inspiration forever! We even used a timber rafter from the old part of the house that we pulled out as a feature wood element. Love that we could up cycle.

Below was my inspiration. Pretty sure I found them on Pinterest.

What does it look like now?? See below.
We installed a built in cistern loo. This allowed us to use the entire back wall as mirrored cabinets. A storage wonderland for a cottage with next to no storage! It also streamlines the amount of surfaces that can get dirty/dusty because lets face it, who likes to clean!?

So there it is, my baby bathroom!  Going public was definitely worth it!

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